Bulk Update Custom Fields¶
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation
In 2022.2 and later versions, the ability to update custom fields in bulk is incorporated into the Stewardship Workbench.
Legacy articles and article groups are not supported in bulk actions. The new glossary term is based on LMS (while legacy articles/article groups are not), hence current support for bulk updates is for new glossaries and terms.
After filtering the results to show the data objects that you want to edit, select the checkboxes for the columns you want to update. If you want to update all columns, select the checkbox in the header row.

Click the Bulk Actions dropdown and select Update Custom Field from the list of options.

Click the Select button and select the custom field you want to update across your selected objects.

If the selected custom field is a single picker custom field, then select the option that you want to assign to that custom field.

However, if the selected custom field is a multi-picker custom field, then you must first choose the update type.
Adding selected values to current values: Selected options will be appended to the existing options.
Replacing selected value with another value: Selected options will be replaced with the options selected.
Replacing all current values with selected values: Selected options will be removed and replaced with the values selected.
Removing selected values from current values: Selected options will be removed.
Click the Update button. You will see a warning that the you are about to perform a bulk update action that cannot be undone. Click Continue to submit the change. You will see a notification that the request to update the custom fields has been sent and that you will receive an email notification when it is complete.

If the server could not be reached due to network connectivity issues or the request to update Custom Fields is unsuccessful, a failure alert will display.