Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation
You are viewing documentation for Classic Alation.
The Top Navigation Bar or Main Toolbar has the following icons:

Left-Hand Navigation Icon - It is used to show/hide the Left-Hand Navigation Menu. The Left-Hand Navigation Menu includes the following sections:
File Systems
Business Intelligence
If you have the Federated Catalog feature enabled, the left navigation can be filtered to show only items that belong to your preferred domains. See My Domains Filter for Federated Catalog (Public Preview) for more information.
Alation Logo or the Co-Branded Logo if it is configured. Click the Logo to view the Homepage.
If you have the Federated Catalog feature enabled, you’ll see the Catalog View button to the right of the logo. See the Search with Domains topic for more information.
The Apps icon - The Apps icon has the following primary applications of Alation as sub-menus:
Advanced Search
Query Search
Steward Dashboard
Curation Progress
Catalog Activity
Assign Stewards
Titles & Descriptions
Catalog Sets
The application availability in the Apps menu depends on the user role. A Server Admin sees all, and users with other roles see applications included into the scope of their role.
Admin Settings - This Icon will be available for the users entitled as Server Admins or Catalog Admins.
Help - The Help icon has the following help items:
Visit Help Center - Link to the product documentation.
Quick Start Tour - A quick start video about the Alation features based on the user role.
Release Notes - Link to the release notes page of the product documentation site.
About This Instance - This menu has the details of the current instance such as build details, License information, and server admin information.
My Inbox - This is a link to your Alation Inbox. Click the + Conversation button to initiate a new conversation.
My Account - Opens the details of the user profile.
The dark blue frame on the left and top of the screen helps you navigate Alation. The following screenshot shows the location of the icons. Each icon is described below the screenshot.

Left navigation icon—Shows and hides the left navigation menu. The left navigation menu includes the following sections:
My Bookmarks—Opens the full-page search, pre-filtered to your bookmarks.
Recently Visited—Opens the full-page search, pre-filtered to content you’ve recently visited.
Domains—Opens the domains hub page. Read more about Domains.
Data Sources—Opens the RDBMS data sources hub page.
File Systems—Opens the file system sources hub page.
Business Intelligence—Opens the BI sources hub page.
Glossaries and Document Hubs
If Document Hubs are enabled, each document hub has its own entry in the menu. The Glossary is just another document hub. Click on a hub name to open its hub page. Read more about Document Hub Basics.
If Document Hubs aren’t enabled, the Glossary is listed on its own and opens the Glossary Hub. Read more about Glossaries and Terms.
Policies—Opens the Policy Center app page. Read more about Policy Center.
Queries–Opens the full-page search, pre-filtered to queries.
Homepage icon—Takes you to the catalog homepage. Read more about the Homepage.
Compose icon—Opens the Compose app (in the classic user experience). Read more about Compose.
Governance icon—Opens the Governance app (in the classic user experience). All governance and curation functionality is located here. The Governance app includes the following sections, including both paid and unpaid features:
Alation Analytics icon—Opens Alation Analytics (in the classic user experience). Read more about Alation Analytics.
Alation logo or co-branded logo if configured. Click the logo to view the Homepage.
Switch to Classic link—Takes you back to the classic user experience.
Settings icon—Available for Server Admins and Catalog Admins only. For Server Admins, opens the Administrator Settings page. For Catalog Admins, shows a drop-down menu with catalog customization options.
Inbox icon—Opens your Alation inbox (in the classic use experience). Read more about Using Your Inbox.
Help icon—Shows a drop-down menu with several help options:
Visit Help Center—Opens the Alation Help Center, where you can access product documentation, the Alation Community, Alation University, the Alation Ideas Portal, the support knowledge base, the Alation cloud status page, and more.
Contact Alation Support—Opens the Alation Support portal.
About this Instance—Opens a page (in the classic user experience) showing details about your instance, like what version of Alation you’re using, license information, and a list of your Server Admins.
My Account—Shows a drop-down menu with the following options:
Alation Add-ons—Used to navigate to the following Alation add-ons: