Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Set Up New a Project¶
Create a project with required models. For more information on setting up a project see dbt Project. Also, you must execute required jobs and tests for the connector to extract. To know about models, jobs, and tests see dbt models and Tests.
Obtain a Service Access Token¶
A Service token specifies a unique access token of an account used to assign specific set of permissions to manage access. Service tokens are the preferred method to enable access on behalf of the dbt Cloud account.
Optionally, instead of a service token you can obtain a Personal Access Token (PAT). A PAT specifies a unique access token of an account.
To obtain a service access token, see Service Account Token.
Enable ELT Source in Alation¶
To enable an ELT source in Alation, contact Alation Support.