Keyboard ShortcutsΒΆ

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Yes! We have Hotkeys for both the desktop app and the browser version of Compose. It is important to notice that the Hotkeys can differ depending on the browser you are using.

Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts




New query

⌘ T, F7

^T, F7

New query on same source

βŒ˜β‡§ T, ⇧ F7

^ ⇧ T, ⇧ F7

New window

⌘ N


Close tab

⌘ W


Open query

⌘ O


Open SmartSuggest



Save query

⌘ S


Save query as copy

βŒ˜β‡§ S

^ ⇧ S

Run full query/Selection

⌘ R, ⌘ ⏎, F5

^R, ^⏎, F5

Switch to preview tab

⌘ P, F3

^P, F3

Run current statement

βŒ˜β‡§ R, βŒ˜β‡§ ⏎,

^ ⇧ R, ^ ⇧ ⏎,

Explain full query



Explain current statement

⇧ F6

⇧ F6

Cursor to beginning of line



Cursor to end of line



Delete to beginning of line



Delete to end of line




⌘ F


Find and replace

⌘βŒ₯ F


Indent selected lines

Tab, ⌘ ]

Tab, ^]

Unindent selected lines

⇧ Tab, ⌘ [

⇧ Tab, ^[

Toggle comments

⌘ / (un/comment line or selection)


Toggle comment current statement

βŒ₯⌘ / (un/comment current query)

Insert date

⌘ D


bring focus/toggle sidebar

⌘ G


Go to next SmartSuggest section



(when SmartSuggest box is open)

Go to previous SmartSuggest section



(when SmartSuggest box is open)

Go to line

⌘ L


Next/Previous Tab

βŒ˜β‡§ [ or ], βŽ‡βŒ˜β† or β†’

^ ⇧ [ or ]


⌘ ^F

Alls-Tables filter

βŽ‡ F

Alt F

All data search

βŽ‡β‡§ F

Alt ⇧ F

Web Keyboard Shortcuts




New query



New query on same source

⇧ F7

⇧ F7

Open query

⌘ O


Open SmartSuggest



Save query

⌘ S


Save query as copy

βŒ˜β‡§ S

^ ⇧ S

Run full query/Selection

⌘ R, ⌘ ⏎, F5

^⏎, F5

Switch to preview tab

⌘ P, F3

^P, F3

Run current statement

βŒ˜β‡§ R, βŒ˜β‡§ ⏎,

^ ⇧ R, ^ ⇧ ⏎

Explain current statement



Cursor to beginning of line

⇧ F6

⇧ F6

Cursor to end of line



Delete to beginning of line



Delete to end of line






Find and replace

⌘ F


Indent selected lines

⌘βŒ₯ F


Toggle comment current statement

Tab, ⌘ ]

Tab, ^]

Insert date

⇧ Tab, ⌘ [

⇧ Tab, ^[

Bring focus to the editor

⌘ / (un/comment line or selection)


bring focus/toggle sidebar

βŒ₯⌘ / (un/comment current query)

Open Data Browser

⌘ D


Open Query Browser

Open Article Browser

⌘ G


Next/Previous Tab






Alls-Tables filter

⌘ L
