Looker Connector: Install and Configure

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Follow these steps to perform the necessary configuration for the Looker connector on the Looker side and in Alation.

Authentication Requirements

  • Looker application registration credentials

  • Looker Client ID and Client Secret

Looker Setup and Authentication

To access the Looker content and APIs, a Looker admin needs to enable Client ID and Client Secret access in the Looker Admin Portal:

  1. Log in to Looker.

  2. Navigate to the Admin Portal as shown below and choose users:

  3. Create a new User to be used as a Service ID for integration needs, by clicking the Add Users button:

  4. Enter an Email ID for the user and provide the appropriate roles and groups. The role must be Admin and the group assigned must have admin access:

  5. Click the Add Users button.

  6. Once the user is added, edit the user by clicking the Edit button for this user. The following screen will be displayed. Click Edit Keys:

  7. Click New API3 Key button to generate a Client ID and Client Secret:

  1. Note down the key and the secret as they are needed to configure the Looker connector in Alation.

Alation Setup and Authentication

STEP 1: Install the Connector


Installation of an OCF connector requires Alation Connector Manager to be installed as a prerequisite.

  1. If this has not been done on your instance, install Alation Connector Manager using the steps in: Install Alation Connector Manager.

  2. Make sure that the OCF connector Zip file that you received from Alation is available on your local machine.

  3. Install the connector on the Connectors Dashboard page: refer to Manage Connector Dashboard.

STEP 2: Create and Configure a New BI Server Source

Add a New BI Server Source

  1. Log in to the Alation instance and add a new BI Server source: Apps > Sources > Add > BI Server. The Register a Business Intelligence Server screen will open.

  2. On this screen, from the Select a Business Intelligence Server type list, select the Looker connector name and enter a Title and a Description:

  3. Click Add. You will be navigated to your BI Server source Settings page.

Configure the Looker BI Source

  1. Configure Access:

    You can configure the visibility of a BI source and its child objects such as Folders and Reports on the Access tab of the settings page.

    Configure BI Source Visibility

    Applies from release 2023.3.5

    On the Access tab, follow these steps to set the BI source visibility:

    1. Select one of the following options for setting privacy level:

      • Public BI Server—The BI source will be visible to all users of the catalog.

      • Private BI Server—The BI Source will be visible to users who have been granted the BI Server Admin or Viewer permissions. It will be hidden for all other users.

    2. Add one or more BI Server Admins or Viewers in the User Access section if required.

    For more information on access to BI sources, see Configure Access to OCF BI Sources.

    Configure BI Folder and Report Visibility

    Applies from release 2024.1.4

    On the Settings under a BI Folder or Report, follow these steps to set visibility:

    1. Check the option Enable explicit permission to change access permission defined at the parent level object.

      This enables and allows permissions at the object level. By default, the access permissions are inherited from the parent level and are not editable.

    2. Select one of the following options to set a privacy level:

    • Public—The BI folder or report will be visible to all users of the catalog.

    • Private—The BI folder or report will be visible to users that have been granted the BI Server Admin or Viewer permissions. It will be hidden for all other users.

    1. Add one or more BI Server Admins or Viewers in the User Access section if required.

    For more information on how to enable the feature and configure access to a folder or report, see Configure Access to OCF BI Folders and Reports.

  2. Perform the configuration on the General Settings tab.


    This section describes configuring settings for credentials and connection information stored in the Alation database. If your organization has configured Azure KeyVault or AWS Secrets Manager to hold such information, the user interface for the General Settings page will change to include the following icons to the right of most options:


    By default, the database icon is selected, as shown. In the vault case, instead of the actual credential information, you enter the ID of the secret. See Configure Secrets for OCF Connector Settings for details.

    ../../../_images/Looker_12.png ../../../_images/Looker_12_rest.png

    Specify Application Settings:



Disable Hard Sync

Leave this checkbox unselected.

Selecting it will disable synchronization of BI objects between Alation and Looker.


This is not applicable from version 2021.2

Enable Automatic Lineage Generation

Select the Enable Automatic Lineage Generation checkbox for the creation of automatic lineage after extraction.

When automatic lineage generation is disabled, during extraction Alation does not calculate Lineage data for this BI source

For more information, see Automatic Lineage Generation FAQ.


This is applicable from version 2021.3

Disable Permission Enforcement

Leave this checkbox selected.

Permission enforcement is not supported between Looker and Alation.

Disable Certification

Leave this checkbox selected.

Certification of BI objects in Looker from Alation is not supported.

Server URI

Enter the server URI used to access Looker.

  1. Click Save to save the information you have entered.

  2. Specify Connector Settings:



    Looker API URL

    Enter the API URL to access Looker APIs. Default URL is https://<Looker URI>:19999/

    Looker Client ID

    Enter the Looker Client ID

    Looker Client Secret

    Enter the Looker Client Secret


    Provide the proxy host. This is an optional field and should be used only if Looker is connected using proxy connection.

    Display Images/Previews

    Select this checkbox to preview the images of dashboards and reports.

    Extract superseded (legacy) objects with type as LookML and Datasource

    Extracts older objects that were phased out and are now embodied with ‘Explores’. These older objects will be available in catalog pages (not in lineage).


    Legacy datasources are old datasources. You don’t need to catalog irrelevant data sources with type lookml or datasource to see the correct lineage.

    Upon disabling, it extracts data sources of type explore and will not include the legacy objects.

    Disable Server Certification

    Enable this checkbox to accept the Looker API url provided above without SSL checks.

    Server SSL Certificate Upload

    Upload the SSL certificate if the Looker is a self-signed host or on-prem instance.

    Proxy URL

    Specify the URL to access Looker via proxy server. This is an optional field and should be used only if Looker is connected using proxy connection.

    Proxy Port

    Specify the proxy port number. Default proxy port number is 3128.

    This is an optional field and should be used only if Looker is connected using proxy connection.

    Proxy Username

    Specify the proxy server username. This is an optional field and should be used only if Looker is connected using proxy connection.

    Proxy Password

    Specify the proxy server password. This is an optional field and should be used only if Looker is connected using proxy connection.

    Log Level

    Select the log level to generate logs. The available options are INFO, DEBUG, WARN, TRACE, ERROR, FATAL, ALL.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Under Test Connection, click Test to validate network connectivity. If the connector settings are good, a success message will be displayed.

  5. Under Extraction Settings, configure the metadata extraction. Turn on Selective Extraction, if required. Selective extraction settings are used to apply a filter to include or exclude a list of Folders.

  6. Click Get List of Projects to first fetch the list of Folders from Looker.

  7. The status of the Get Projects action is logged in the Job History table at the bottom of the Settings page.

  8. Once the folder synchronization is successful, a drop-down list of Folders will become enabled. Select one or more Folders to apply the filter.

  9. Check if you are using the desired filter option. Available filter options are described below:

    Filter Option


    Extract all Folder except

    Extract metadata from all Folders except from the Folders selected.

    Extract only these Folders

    Extract metadata from only the selected Folders.

  10. Click Run Extraction Now to extract metadata. The status of the Extraction action is also logged in the Job History table at the bottom of the page.

  11. If you wish to automatically update the metadata in the Catalog, under Automated and Manual Extraction, turn on Enable Automated Extraction and select the day and time when metadata must be extracted. The metadata extraction will be automatically scheduled to run at the selected day and time.


  • Supports lineage only for the following datasources:

    • Amazon Databricks

    • Amazon Redshift

    • Azure Databricks

    • Google BigQuery

    • MySQL

    • Microsoft SQL Server

    • Oracle

    • PostgreSQL

    • Snowflake


    Supports column-level lineage partially (direct matches between the datasource column names and explore column names) for Google BigQuery and Databricks.

  • Supports only client Id and client secret API based authentication to extract metadata from Looker.

  • We use api/4.0/vector_thumbnail/dashboard/<dashboard-id> to fetch images. If you do not get a response of HTTP 200, then images will not be displayed.

  • Doesn’t support incremental extraction.

  • Doesn’t support column-level lineage for reports created using custom fields.

  • Doesn’t support lineage for persistent derived tables (PDT) type reports and dashboards.

  • Supports only the table-level lineage for persistent derived table query.

  • Doesn’t support column-level lineage for GBQ queries that use functions with attribute transformations, such as DATE(col) or TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(col).

  • Doesn’t support Field sets due to limitations in the Looker Rest API.

  • Doesn’t support LookML Dashboards.


    Dashboards and LookML Dashboards are two different objects in Looker.

  • Proxy URL and port must be similar for both http and https connections.

  • DEBUG log level generates more logs and it use more disk space. It is recommended to use it only when gathering debug logs before raising a support ticket. For normal usage, we recommend to use INFO log level.


Test Connection Failure

Verify that the Looker Client ID, Client Secret, and API URL are provided correctly on the Settings page. In most cases the Looker Base URL will be different from the API URL.

Limited Folders Shown in Alation

Check the user permissions in Looker. The user needs permissions to access all the folders.

Datasource Details are not Displayed in Alation

Check the user permissions in Looker. The user needs admin privileges. Without admin privileges datasource information cannot be extracted.

Datasource Column or Report Column Details are not Displayed in Alation

Check whether the models are published in Looker and they have content inside them. You can check whether the following API response contains an empty explores field, then columns will not show up, for example:

<Looker API URL>/api/3.1/lookml_models/<Model Name>

      "has_content": false,
      "label": "Crm",
      "name": "crm",
      "project_name": "crm",
      "unlimited_db_connections": false,
      "allowed_db_connection_names": [
      "explores": [],
      "can": {
          "index": true,
          "show": true,
          "create": true,
          "update": true,
          "destroy": true

Lineage is not Visible

If the lineage is not visible, make sure the datasource is cataloged in Alation and make sure the user has admin privileges.

Logs to be collected

Refer to Logs to be collected.