Query Log Ingestion Failure Diagnosing¶
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation
When running a Query Log Ingestion, it either fails to run or does not complete successfully.
There are multiple reasons that could cause query log ingestion to fail. Because of this, Alation has QLI diagnostics you can run to help obtain more information about the failure. The tool verifies the configuration, runs various diagnostics specific to the datasource and provides information such as the cause, possible fix, and stacktrace.
To troubleshoot and resolve a Query Log Ingestion failure, run the QLI Diagnostics.
Supported Datasource Types: Hive2
Below is an example of the QLI diagnostics running against a Hive2 data source.

To check if the issue is resolved, run the Query Log Ingestion again.