PostgreSQL On Amazon EC2 and Enterprise Query Log Ingestion

Before performing query log ingestion (QLI), perform the QLI setup for PostgreSQL on EC2 or EDB Postgres Server (PostgreSQL Enterprise). Both the Amazon EC2 and EDB deployments support log rotation. You can choose one of the following ways to perform the QLI setup:

CSV Logging without Log Rotation

To configure QLI based on CSV logging with no log rotation:

  1. Change the server configuration in postgresql.conf and enable CSV logging as described below.

    # Set the logging details for postgresql.conf file and reload the file (changing logging_collector needs a restart).
    log_destination ='csvlog'
    log_directory = 'pg_log'
    logging_collector = on
    log_filename = 'postgresql'
    log_duration = on             # Should be enabled only if log_min_duration_statement is not set to 0
    log_min_duration_statement = 0
    log_error_verbosity = verbose      # terse, default, or verbose messages
    log_hostname = on
    log_statement = 'all'      # none, ddl, mod, all
    log_rotation_age = 0
    log_rotation_size = 0
    log_min_error_statement = info


    The log_rotation_age = 0 and  log_rotation_size = 0 properties stop the log rotation and write all logs to the same file (table). Setting the log_min_duration_statement property to a value greater than zero forcefully logs the query text; however, the log_duration property doesn’t.

  2. Reload the updated postgresql.conf.

    SELECT pg_reload_conf();
  3. Install the file_fdw extension (contrib package is required), create a foreign file server and a foreign table, and link it to the log file name provided in the postgresql.conf file.

    CREATE EXTENSION file_fdw;
    CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.postgres_log (
        log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,
        user_name text,
        database_name text,
        process_id integer,
        connection_from text,
        session_id text,
        session_line_num bigint,
        command_tag text,
        session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
        virtual_transaction_id text,
        transaction_id bigint,
        error_severity text,
        sql_state_code text,
        message text,
        detail text,
        hint text,
        internal_query text,
        internal_query_pos integer,
        context text,
        query text,
        query_pos integer,
        location text,
        application_name text,
        backend_type text,
        empty_column text,
        column_with_zeroes text
    SERVER pglog
    OPTIONS (filename 'pg_log/postgresql.csv', format 'csv');
  4. Create a view for Alation to retrieve query logs from.

    CREATE VIEW public.alation_postgres_logv AS
          session_id AS sessionID,
          user_name AS userName,
          session_start_time AS sessionStartTime,
          session_start_time AS startTime,
          virtual_transaction_id AS transactionid,
          message AS queryString,
          'N' AS cancelled,
          database_name AS defaultDatabases
        FROM public.postgres_log;


    The above view applies to PostgreSQL OCF connector version 1.1.9. If you upgrade from an earlier version to version 1.1.9, create a new view using the above template or change your view with a CREATE OR REPLACE query using the above template.

  5. Grant the Alation service account access to the QLI view.

    GRANT SELECT on public.alation_postgres_logv to {Alation Service Account}
  6. Update the Query Log Ingestion tab of the Settings page of your OCF data source. Refer Configure QLI in Alation User Interface.

CSV Logging with Log Rotation

To conveniently retain logs for, for example, seven days only through automatic truncation, you can consider creating seven child tables for a master table. The process would typically use this workflow:

  1. Change the server configuration in postgresql.conf and modify as described below:

    log_destination = 'csvlog'
    log_filename = 'postgresql-%a'  # Keep 7d of logs in files 'postgresql-Mon.csv' etc.
    log_directory ='pg_log'
    logging_collector = on
    log_duration = on      # Should be enabled only if log_min_duration_statement is not set to 0
    log_min_duration_statement = 0
    log_error_verbosity = verbose     # terse, default, or verbose messages
    log_hostname = on
    log_statement = 'all'    # none, ddl, mod, all
    log_truncate_on_rotation = on
    log_rotation_age = 1440
    log_rotation_size = 0
    log_min_error_statement = info


    To maintain logs for the seven days, name one log file per day such as postgresql-Mon and postgresql-Tue. To automatically overwrite last week’s log with the current week, set log_filename to postgresql-%a, log_truncate_on_rotation to on, and log_rotation_age to 1440. Make sure to install the pgAudit extension before using it in the configuration file.

  2. Reload the updated postgresql.conf.

    SELECT pg_reload_conf();
  3. Install the file_fdw extension (contrib package is required), create a foreign file server and a foreign table, and link it to the log file name configured in the previous step.

    CREATE EXTENSION file_fdw;
  4. Create the main log table.

    CREATE TABLE public.postgres_log (
        log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,
        user_name text,
        database_name text,
        process_id integer,
        connection_from text,
        session_id text,
        session_line_num bigint,
        command_tag text,
        session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
        virtual_transaction_id text,
        transaction_id bigint,
        error_severity text,
        sql_state_code text,
        message text,
        detail text,
        hint text,
        internal_query text,
        internal_query_pos integer,
        context text,
        query text,
        query_pos integer,
        location text,
        application_name text,
        backend_type text,
        empty_column text,
        column_with_zeroes text
  5. Create the tables for Monday log files.

    CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.postgres_log_mon (
        log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,
        user_name text,
        database_name text,
        process_id integer,
        connection_from text,
        session_id text,
        session_line_num bigint,
        command_tag text,
        session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
        virtual_transaction_id text,
        transaction_id bigint,
        error_severity text,
        sql_state_code text,
        message text,
        detail text,
        hint text,
        internal_query text,
        internal_query_pos integer,
        context text,
        query text,
        query_pos integer,
        location text,
        application_name text,
        backend_type text,
        empty_column text,
        column_with_zeroes text)
        SERVER pglog
        OPTIONS (filename 'pg_log/postgresql-Mon.csv', format 'csv');
    ALTER TABLE public.postgres_log_mon INHERIT public.postgres_log;
  6. Repeat Step 5 for the remaining days of the week (Tuesday to Sunday).

  7. Create a view for Alation to retrieve the query logs.

    CREATE VIEW public.alation_postgres_logv AS
          session_id AS sessionID,
          user_name AS userName,
          session_start_time AS sessionStartTime,
          session_start_time AS startTime,
          virtual_transaction_id AS transactionid,
          message AS queryString,
          'N' AS cancelled,
          database_name AS defaultDatabases
        FROM public.postgres_log;


    The above view applies to PostgreSQL OCF connector version 1.1.9. If you upgrade from an earlier version to version 1.1.9, create a new view using the above template or change your view with a CREATE OR REPLACE query using the above template.

  8. Grant the Alation service account access to the QLI view.

    GRANT SELECT ON public.alation_postgres_logv TO {Alation Service Account}
  9. Update the Query Log Ingestion tab of the Settings page of your OCF data source. Refer Configure QLI in Alation User Interface.

EDB Audit Logs without Log Rotation

Perform these steps to configure QLI based on EDB Audit logs without log rotation:

  1. Change the server configuration (postgresql.conf) and enable CSV logging.

    # set in postgresql.conf + restart/reload server (changing logging_collector needs restart)
    # - Where to Log -
    logging_collector = on
    edb_audit = 'csv'                       # none, csv or xml
    # These are only used if edb_audit is not none:
    edb_audit_directory = 'edb_audit'       # Directory where the log files are written
                                            # Can be absolute or relative to PGDATA
    edb_audit_filename = 'postgresaudit'    # Audit file name pattern.
                                            # Can include strftime() escapes
    edb_audit_rotation_day = 'none'         # Automatic rotation of log files based
                                            # on day of week. none, every, sun,
                                            # mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
    edb_audit_rotation_size = 0             # Automatic rotation of log files will
                                            # happen after this many megabytes (MB)
                                            # of log output.  0 to disable.
    edb_audit_rotation_seconds = 0          # Automatic log file rotation will
                                            # happen after this many seconds.
    edb_audit_connect = 'all'               # none, failed, all
    #edb_audit_disconnect ='none'           # none, all
    edb_audit_statement = 'all'             # none, dml, ddl, select, error, rollback, all
    #edb_audit_tag = ''
  2. Reload the updated postgresql.conf using the following command:

    SELECT pg_reload_conf();


The properties edb_audit_rotation_size = 0, edb_audit_rotation_day = 'none',  and edb_audit_rotation_seconds = 0 stop the rotation and write all logs to the same file (table).

  1. Install the file_fdw extension (contrib package is required), create a foreign file server and a foreign table, and link it to the log file name configured in the previous step.

    CREATE EXTENSION file_fdw;
    CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.postgres_log (
      user_name text,
      database_name text,
      process_id integer,
      connection_from text,
      session_id text,
      session_line_num bigint,
      command_tag text,
      session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
      virtual_transaction_id text,
      transaction_id bigint,
      error_severity text,
      sql_state_code text,
      message text,
      detail text,
      hint text,
      internal_query text,
      internal_query_pos integer,
      context text,
      query text,
      query_pos integer,
      location text,
      application_name text,
      extra text
    ) SERVER pglog
      filename 'edb_audit/postgresaudit.csv', format 'csv');
  2. Create a view for Alation to retrieve query logs from.

    CREATE VIEW public.alation_postgres_logv AS
      session_id AS sessionID,
      user_name AS userName,
      session_start_time AS sessionStartTime,
      session_start_time AS startTime,
      virtual_transaction_id AS transactionid,
      message AS queryString,
      'N' AS cancelled,
      database_name AS defaultDatabases
    FROM public.postgres_log;


    The above view applies to PostgreSQL OCF connector version 1.1.9. If you upgrade from an earlier version to version 1.1.9, create a new view using the above template or change your view with a CREATE OR REPLACE query using the above template.

  3. Grant the Alation service account access to the QLI view.

    Grant SELECT on public.alation_postgres_logv to {Alation Service Account}
  4. Update the Query Log Ingestion tab of the Settings page of your OCF data source. Refer Configure QLI in Alation User Interface.


    This log doesn’t log duration.

EDB Postgres Server with Audit Log Rotation

Perform these steps to configure QLI based on EDB Postgres Server with Audit log rotation:

  1. Change the server configuration (postgresql.conf) and enable CSV logging.

    # set in postgresql.conf + restart/reload server (changing logging_collector needs restart)
    # - Where to Log -
    logging_collector = on
    edb_audit = 'csv'                                   # none, csv or xml
    # These are only used if edb_audit is not none:
    edb_audit_directory = 'edb_audit'                  # Directory where the log files are written
                                                      # Can be absolute or relative to PGDATA
    edb_audit_filename = 'audit-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'      # Audit file name pattern.
                                                        # Can include strftime() escapes
    edb_audit_rotation_day = 'every'                    # Automatic rotation of log files based
                                                        # on day of week. none, every, sun,
                                                        # mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
    edb_audit_rotation_size = 0                         # Automatic rotation of log files will
                                                        # happen after this many megabytes (MB)
                                                        # of log output.  0 to disable.
    edb_audit_rotation_seconds = 0                      # Automatic log file rotation will
                                                        # happen after this many seconds.
    edb_audit_connect = 'all'                           # none, failed, all
    #edb_audit_disconnect ='none'                       # none, all
    edb_audit_statement = 'all'                         # none, dml, ddl, select, error, rollback, all
    #edb_audit_tag = ''                                 # Audit log session tracking tag.


    • Setting edb_audit_filename = 'audit-%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' creates a file with name as audit-2017-11-26T11:04:44.csv.

    • Every file is rolled off due to the configuration edb_audit_rotation_day = 'every'

  2. Reload the updated postgresql.conf using the following command:

    SELECT pg_reload_conf();
  3. Create a table to copy logs from csv.

CREATE TABLE public.postgres_log (
  log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,
  user_name text,
  database_name text,
  process_id integer,
  connection_from text,
  session_id text,
  session_line_num bigint,
  command_tag text,
  session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
  virtual_transaction_id text,
  transaction_id bigint,
  error_severity text,
  sql_state_code text,
  message text,
  detail text,
  hint text,
  internal_query text,
  internal_query_pos integer,
  context text,
  query text,
  query_pos integer,
  location text,
  application_name text,
  extra text
  1. Create a log rotation config file.


    • EDB_AUDIT_LOG_DIRECTORY_PATH must have read privileges.

    • POSTGRES_HOME/bin/edb-psql must have execute privileges.

    vi  postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt
    EDB_AUDIT_LOG_DIRECTORY_PATH=/opt/edb/as<postgres version>/data/edb_audit/
    HOST=<postgres server_host>
    PORT=<postgres server_port>
    USERNAME=<username of your service account>
    PASSWORD=<username of your service password>


    vi  postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt
  2. Create a log rotation script. The script will look for yesterday’s log and copies yesterday’s csv to the public.postgres_log file.

  3. Move both the and postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt files to {Postgres Installation Directory}/edb/as9.6/bin.

    mv opt/edb/as<postgres_version>/bin/.
    mv postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt opt/edb/as<postgres_version>/bin/.
  4. Provide the execute permission on the file.

    chmod +x  {Postgres Installation Directory}/edb/as<*postgres_version*>/bin/
    chmod +x  opt/edb/as9.6/bin/
  5. Grant the read permission on the postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt file.

    chmod 444  opt/edb/as9.6/bin/postgres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt
  6. Create a cron job to run the script at 1 am every day.

    This syncs yesterday’s log to public.postgres_log  at 1.00 AM.

    0 1 * * *   sh {Postgres Installation Directory}/edb/as<*postgres_version*>/bin/
    {Postgres Installation Directory}/edb/as<*postgres_version*>/bin/postres_audit_log_rotation_config.txt

    For example, crontab -e

    0 1 * * *   sh /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/

    For Ubuntu Users

    For example, crontab -e (Use bash instead of sh)

    0 1 * * *   bash /opt/edb/as<postgres_version>/bin/
  7. Create a view for Alation to retrieve the query log from.

    CREATE VIEW public.alation_postgres_logv AS
      session_id AS sessionID,
      user_name AS userName,
      session_start_time AS sessionStartTime,
      session_start_time AS startTime,
      virtual_transaction_id AS transactionid,
      message AS queryString,
      'N' AS cancelled,
      database_name AS defaultDatabases


    The above view applies to PostgreSQL OCF connector version 1.1.9. If you upgrade from an earlier version to version 1.1.9, create a new view using the above template or change your view with a CREATE OR REPLACE query using the above template.

  8. Grant the Alation service account access to the QLI view.

    Grant SELECT on public.alation_postgres_logv to {Alation Service Account}
  9. Update the Query Log Ingestion tab of the Settings page of your OCF data source. Refer Configure QLI in Alation User Interface.

Configure QLI in Alation User Interface

For Alation version 2023.3.4 and connector version 1.2.0, see Configure QLI for PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2 and Enterprise section in Version 1.2.0 or Newer