
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation


The Universal DS connector does not require any authentication if you are loading an CSV file as it is not secured.

The Universal DS connector requires authentication details if you are loading an SSH file. Details include SSH Host, SSH Port SSH Username, SSH Password, Metadata File Path & Query Log File Path.

The Universal DS connector requires authentication details if you are loading an S3 bucket file. Details include Region, Bucket Name, AWS Access Key ID, AWS Access Key Secret, Metadata File Path & Query Log File Path.

The Universal DS connector requires authentication details if you are loading from an Azure Storage Container. Details include Azure Storage Account Name, Azure Service Principal Auth, Access Key/Shared Access Signature, Azure Storage Container, Azure Storage Endpoint Suffix, Metadata File Path & Query Log File Path.

Alation Connector Manager

Install and run the Alation Connector Manager (for on-premise) or ensure Alation Agent is enabled (for cloud service).

CSV file

  • CSV Metadata File: Generate a properly formatted CSV file containing metadata (e.g., schema, tables, columns) using data dictionary queries or vendor tools.

  • Metadata Input Source: Set up CSV file access via SSH or direct upload through the Alation UI, supporting cloud storage like AWS S3 or Azure Blob

Alation Agent

To install and use this connector the Alation Agent is required for all ACS customers.