
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

For information about logs, refer to Troubleshoot OCF Connectors.

Refer to the following scenarios for which you might need to troubleshoot:




Metadata Extraction

Metadata Extraction doesn’t extract columns of non-ephemeral models


Enable the Generate docs on run flag in your dbt job. Alternatively, add the dbt docs generate command in your dbt job.

No metadata extracted after running the MDE for a project.

You haven’t executed your models in last 90 days across environments.

Execute your models across environments to update the information and then run MDE.

No metadata extracted for a specific project or model after running MDE.

You haven’t executed the model at all or in last 90 days across environments.

Execute your models across environments to update the information and then run MDE.

Column names are not extracted for ephemeral models.


It is a known limitation as dbt discovery APIs do not provide this information.

Lineage Extraction

Column-level lineage is not generated for non-ephemeral models


Enable the Generate docs on run flag in your dbt job. Alternatively, add the dbt docs generate command in your dbt job.

No lineage generated for a specific project, environment, or model after running Lineage Extraction.

You haven’t executed your models in last 90 days across environments.

Execute your models across environments to update the information and then run MDE.