Upgrade MicroStrategy OCF Connector to Version 1.2.0

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

After upgrading the MicroStrategy OCF Connector to version 1.2.0 or higher from an earlier version, you must execute the migration script once. If you are on Alation version 2024.3.4 or earlier, you must manually run the migration script. Migration ensures transfer of all curated information on the catalog pages of MicroStrategy objects from your previous connector version is accurately transferred to the MicroStrategy OCF Connector version 1.2.0.


If you are installing the MicroStrategy connector for the first time and choose to use the connector version 1.2.0 or higher, you needn’t perform this migration. The script is only required if you are upgrading the connector from a previous version.

For Alation Version 2024.3.4 and Higher

  1. Upgrade to Connector Version 1.2.0 or higher and run MDE.

  2. Migrate native to OCF connector. Alation executes the curation migration script automatically as part of the first MDE run after migrating to OCF connector version 1.2.0 or higher. This curation migration runs as a downstream job as part of the first MDE after migration. Verify the migration results in the Job_details section, see Migration Results section for more details.

For Alation Version Prior to 2024.3.4

  1. Upgrade: Upgrade to Connector Version 1.2.0 or higher.

  2. Run Metadata Extraction.

  3. Run the Curation Script: After upgrading the connector, you must manually execute the curation migration script to restore any required missing curation data following the subsequent MDE run.

    Refer to the connector logs for errors, if any. Troubleshoot the errors before running the curation migration script.


In case of native to OCF migration to connector version 1.2.0, execute the curation migration script manually following the subsequent MDE run.

Run the Curation Migration Script


This section only applies to the Alation versions prior to 2024.3.4 and OCF connector version 1.2.0 or higher.


  • For Alation Cloud Service, you must raise a support ticket to run the curation migration script.

  • For on-premise installation, contact Alation Support to get access to the curation migration scripts.

Script Arguments

  • -s—BI Server datasource ID from the source URL.

    • Example: if the BI source URL is https://aaa.alationcloud.com/bi/v2/server/13/, the ID is 13.

Run the Script

To run the script:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the Alation server.

  2. Enter the Alation shell.

    sudo /etc/init.d/alation shell
  3. Navigate to the ingestion directory and place the curation migration script received from Alation Support.

    cd /opt/alation/django/bi_metadata/ingestion/
    # assuming that the script was uploaded into the /tmp folder on the Alation machine
    cp /tmp/copy_curation_data_mstr.py .
  4. Navigate to the one_off_scripts directory and place the curation migration script received from Alation Support.

    cd /opt/alation/django/rosemeta/one_off_scripts/
    # assuming that the script was uploaded into the /tmp folder on the Alation machine
    cp /tmp/copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects.py .
  5. Change the user to alation.

    sudo su alation
  6. Select one of the following modes:

    • Dry-run — Executes the script without actually making any database writes, only reads.

      nohup python -m copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects -s <bi_server_id> &

    • Confirm — Makes permanent changes to the database and is not reversible. It should only be run once.

      nohup python -m copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects -s <bi_server_id>  --confirm &

    Example: nohup python -m copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects -s 2  --confirm &


    The script execution is a database-intensive as well as time-consuming operation based on the volume of data on the BI Server.

Use the command to run the script in the background and output a PID. Use this PID to check the status.

  1. Track the progress of the script using its PID (process id).

    ps -p 14496 -o %cpu,%mem,cmd
    98.9  0.1 python -m copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects -s 3 --confirm

Migration Results

The migration of curation data results will be displayed as part of MDE job details.


In case of any Curation errors, it will be displayed in the Job errors table as Migration error. Click Generate Error Report button to download the error report. In such cases, the MDE status will be Partial Success due to errors.


Users can perform the migration again in the following methods in case of an MDE failure:

  1. Curation Migration API.

  2. Run the Curation Migration Script - For Alation version 2024.3.4 and newer, copying the migration script is not required.


    nohup python -m copy_mstr_logical_data_from_deleted_objects_to_new_objects -s 2 --confirm &

Understand the Curation Migration Report


 1**** Searching for MSTR(old) to MSTR(new) matches for Data Sources
 5Data Sources - Found a total of: 21 instances of curation
 7The following are the URLs (count: 1) to the Data Sources which we could not automatically match to a MSTR(new) object. They need to be reviewed (for validity) and to migrate their curation manually.
 9http://localhost:8080//bi/v2/datasource/195/ | curation type: {'Mark (star/watch)', 'ValueHistory (oid)', 'GenericFieldValue (anchor tags)', 'Tag'}
112024-12-10 11:13:25.454574 —— ========================== Data Sources Curation Migration End ==========================


  • Line 2: Indicates we’re searching for matches between native or OCF(old) and OCF(new) BI objects

  • Line 5: Indicates that we found 21 instances of curation on datasource objects

  • Line 7: Indicates the number of BI objects (and how many BI objects) for which we couldn’t find a new OCF match and so cannot copy curation to it (OCF object)

  • Line 9: Indicates the URL for the object we could not migrate curation and the type of curation in brackets. Review the URLs and migrate the curation data on them manually.


  • For Connector settings migration errors, refer to the migration log file: /opt/alation/site/logs/ypireti.log

  • Permissions error: Ensure that you are running the script as the user alation

  • Django imports errors or issues: Ensure that you run the script from the directory /opt/alation/django/rosemeta/one_off_scripts/

  • For any other issues, contact Alation Support with the following log file attached to the Support ticket: /tmp/MicroStrategy(Old)_to_MicroStrategy(New)_migration-debug.log