Configure Metadata Extraction

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Click the Metadata Extraction tab.

Go to the Connector Settings section and the Query Based Extraction sub section.

Select the values to include during the Query Based MDE. Any values that are not included will be skipped.


Go to the Metadata Extraction section and complete any required queries for the following values

  • SCHEMA Query

  • TABLE Query

  • COLUMN Query

  • FUNCTION Query



  • INDEX Query

  • VIEW Query


  • SYNONYM Query

Press the Save button

Select the Run Extraction button to make sure the extraction is executed.

Go to the MDE Job History tab and check a Succeeded message appears in the Status section.

Click the Compose tab.

Confirm the driver is correct -

Determine who requires Export and Download access and update accordingly.

For incremental MDE from Compose to be successful, the CREATE statements should use this format:

  • CREATE TABLE “SCHEMA_NAME”.”TABLE_NAME” ({column properties});

  • CREATE VIEW “SCHEMA_NAME”.”VIEW_NAME” AS {view condition};

For lineage to be generated successfully for views, the fully qualified name of the table should be used in the view condition. DB2 stores table names in uppercase. Ensure that you use double quotes to use the necessary case.

Click the Data Sampling tab.

Sampling and profiling is supported. For details, see

Configure Sampling and Profiling for OCF Data Sources

Click the Compose tab.

Compose is supported. For details, see

Configure Compose for OCF Data Sources