Why You Should Listen to My New Podcast, Data Radicals

By Satyen Sangani

Published on January 20, 2022

Season 1 Data Radical branding

I’m excited to announce the launch of a project I’ve been working on for some time. This January, I’m launching my first podcast: Data Radicals.

Data Radicals features conversations with leaders who drive the use of data in powerful and innovative ways. These are people who not only generate insights, but often play a role in changing how people think and work. They are radical in the sense that they unabashedly drive change by leveraging data and scientific thinking.

I’ve had the pleasure to pick the minds of brilliant writers, entrepreneurs, and enterprise leaders. In these conversations, my guests and I have shared a mission to demystify thorny topics, like data culture and data governance.

Why Listen to Data Radicals? The Data Culture Conundrum

So why listen to Data Radicals? I have two answers, one practical and one aspirational. From a practical view, listen to this podcast to hear tips from leaders on how to build a data culture within your own team and organization. It seems like everyone’s talking about being more data driven, about leveraging data and building Artificial Intelligence. But how do you transform organizations to move from talk to action?

My guests, folks like Jennifer Belissent, principal data strategist at Snowflake, and Michelle Hoiseth, CDO of Parexel, know what it takes to create a data culture. Listen to hear their hard-won tips, borne of their own experience.

Moreover, I think data as a discipline gets a hard rap. People dismiss it as cold, scientific, and unfeeling. Yet the future of technology – and humanity – depends on how we use data. I think data, science, and technology are some of the brightest stars that can help us solve our most vexing problems – ranging from climate change to global inequality.

This brings me to the second reason to listen to Data Radicals. Listen to this podcast if you’ve ever entertained big dreams about what you can do with data. Listen to this podcast to get inspired. David Epstein, bestselling author of the books The Sports Gene and Range is an icon in this respect. David uses data to uncover obvious truths hiding in plain sight, like why some sports welcome polyglots, or why long-term success begins with a wide-ranging education.

Meanwhile, my guest Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, expert data storyteller, shares advice for making your powerpoints powerful – borrowing from cinematic hooks and twists to keep your audience at the edge of their seat (even if the topic is a data table!).

The future of data relies on leaders like these – people who can humanize the technical, and infuse data and science with the warmth it so often lacks. It’s been my pleasure and privilege to speak with such people, and I hope that you’ll enjoy listening in.

Upcoming guests on Data Radicals include:

  • David Epstein, author

  • Dr. Margaret Heffernan, author

  • Cindi Howson, CDO of Thoughtspot

  • Amir Efrati, executive editor of The Information

  • Michelle Hoiseth, CDO of Parexel

  • Caroline Carruthers, author and consultant

Listen in on January 19th!

What does the future of data hold? Stepping back, this is a show for people who are passionately curious about the future of data in the workplace – and the world. It’s been a fantastic learning experience so far. And we’re only just getting started.

So have a listen and get inspired! Data Radicals is now available on:

  • Apple podcasts

  • Spotify

  • Simplecast

  • Why Listen to Data Radicals? The Data Culture Conundrum
  • Listen in on January 19th!
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