Data Culture Maturity Assessment

Discover the Depth of Your Data Culture Maturity

Alation’s Data Culture Maturity Assessment has been developed to enable organizations to understand how mature their data culture is. Explore your organization's maturity journey and take the assessment today!

Depth graph given to users when they take the Alation Data Culture Maturity Assessment
Alation Data Culture Maturity Assessment overview

Data Culture Maturity Assessment Overview

The assessment will walk you through the Data Culture Maturity Model, and ask you to answer a series of questions pertaining to your organization. A score will be created for each answer given, with feedback provided throughout the assessment. At the end, you will receive a report with tailored recommendations for improvement. You can choose to answer the questions for your department or for the entire organization. Think about the scope of what you are assessing before starting, it will make for more pertinent results.

In depth look into how users scores on the Alation Data Culture Maturity Assessment

Enables prioritization of the data program

Understanding data maturity allows organizations to make decisions about the journey they are taking with data. It is a tool to help you determine what the next priorities are to move the organization forward. You can then reassess in a certain amount of time and see how much you’ve moved the needle.

Alation Data Culture Maturity Assessment image

Communication of position to leadership

The Data Culture Maturity Assessment is also a tool for communication with leadership on your current data landscape. It allows for clearer and more tangible discussions about strengths and weaknesses that will help to develop an understanding of the current position, make investment decisions, and communicate those succinctly and clearly.