Authentication Service Add-on

Applies only to Alation Cloud Service on the cloud native architecture

The Authentication Service add-on for the Alation Agent is an optional feature that enables you to integrate the Alation Agent with AWS Secrets Manager for authenticating with your on-premises data sources. With this method, your data source credentials never have to leave your network. For more information on how this works and other options you have, see Integration with AWS Secrets Manager for Data Source Authentication Using OCF Connector.

To use this feature, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be an Alation Cloud Service customer on the cloud-native architecture.

  • You must be using Alation Agent version or later. For help installing the Alation Agent, see Install the Alation Agent.

  • To access AWS Secrets Manager using an IAM instance profile:

    • You must be on Alation Cloud Service version 2024.1.4 or later.

    • Your Alation Agent must be installed on an Amazon EC2 instance.

    • You must install Authentication Service Add-on version or later on the Alation Agent.

  • To access AWS Secrets Manager using an IAM user’s credentials:

    • You must be on Alation Cloud Service version 2024.1.5 or later.

    • You must install Authentication Service Add-on version or later on the Alation Agent.

  • You must have a supporting OCF connector installed on the Agent. To find out if a specific connector supports this feature, see the documentation for the specific connector in the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Overview section.


    You can use the Native Data Sources API to migrate a data source from an OCF connector that’s not on an Alation Agent to an OCF connector that is on an Alation Agent.

Authentication Service Add-on Release Notes


Released January 23, 2025

We fixed a bug that could cause metadata extraction (MDE) to fail for the AWS Glue OCF connector after the Alation instance is restarted. (AL-180578)


Released November 21, 2024

We have patched some dependencies to address security vulnerabilities. (AL-174562)


Released September 25, 2024

The Authentication Service add-on logs will now include:

  • The tenantid of the Alation instance that the Alation Agent is connected to.

  • The agentid of the Alation Agent that is running the Authentication Service add-on.



Released August 28, 2024

We have updated the format of the Authentication Service add-on logs to make them easier to parse and more consistent with the format of other Alation logs.

The structure of the header section is always the same. The following fields are included in the header section for consistency with other Alation components but are not used by the Authentication Service add-on:

  • The instanceurl field is not used and is always empty.

  • The tenantid field is not used and is always set to FAKE_TENANT_ID.

The structure of the data section depends on the message.

Example log message:

   "header": {
      "appname": "authservice",
      "instanceurl": "",
      "loglevel": "INFO",
      "tenantid": "FAKE_TENANT_ID",
      "timestamp": "2024-08-12T16:51:15.987Z"
   "data": {
      "msg": "Reading all the configurations for a plugin: aws_scm",
      "logger": {
         "name": "alation.authserver.configuration.ConfigManager",
         "fqcn": "org.apache.log4j.Category"
      "thread": {
         "name": "grpc-default-executor-0",
         "id": 16,
         "priority": 5
      "source": {
         "className": "alation.authserver.configuration.ConfigManager",
         "fileName": "",
         "methodName": "readAll",
         "lineNumber": 233



Released July 25, 2024

The Authentication Service add-on now offers the ability to connect to AWS Secrets Manager using IAM user credentials. This allows you to use the Authentication Service add-on in non-AWS environments. To use this feature, you must be an Alation Cloud Service customer on the cloud-native architecture who has upgraded to Alation 2024.1.5. See Access Secrets Manager from Alation Agent Using an IAM User’s Credentials for more information.


Released July 16, 2024

This is the initial release of the Authentication Service add-on for the Alation Agent. In the initial release, integrating with AWS Secrets Manager using an IAM instance profile is supported. To use this feature, you must be an Alation Cloud Service customer on the cloud-native architecture who has upgraded to Alation 2024.1.4. See Access Secrets Manager from Alation Agent Using an IAM Instance Profile for more information.


The Authentication Service add-on has been used internally in Alation Cloud Service itself for some time now. That’s why the version number for the initial external release is already so high.

Install or Update the Authentication Service Add-on on an Alation Agent

To install or update the Authentication Service add-on on an Alation Agent:

  1. If you don’t have the latest plugin yet, contact Alation Support to request it. The plugin is a Docker image named auth-service-docker-image-<plugin-version>tar.gz.

  2. If needed, transfer the downloaded file to the Agent’s host machine. For example, if you downloaded the plugin file to a Unix-based machine, you could transfer the file using the scp command in Terminal:

    scp /local/path/to/auth-service-docker-image-<plugin-version>.tar.gz <ssh-user>@<server-address>:/remote/path/to/agent
  3. On the Agent’s host machine, unzip the .tar.gz file. Example:

    gzip -d auth-service-docker-image-<plugin-version>.tar.gz
  4. Install or update the plugin. To install the plugin from scratch, use this command:

    sudo kratos addons install auth ./auth-service-docker-image-<plugin-version>.tar

    To update the plugin, use this command:

    sudo kratos addons update auth ./auth-service-docker-image-<plugin-version>.tar
  5. Restart the Agent:

    sudo systemctl restart hydra
  6. Check that the plugin is running. It may take about two minutes for the plugin to start up.

    sudo docker ps

    In the output of this command, you should see auth listed under IMAGE, and under STATUS it should indicate that the plugin is Up. For example:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                                           NAMES
    00d929b2582b   auth                  "java -Dlog4j.config…"   11 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds            >11001/tcp, :::11001->11001/tcp   auth
    f80e23b27e2a   application_gateway   "/opt/cag"               11 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds (health: starting)                                                   cag
    c8c16128644e   proxy                 "/opt/reverseProxy"      12 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds (health: starting)                                                   proxy
    8c3d5cfeb3fd   connector_21          "/opt/ …"   12 seconds ago   Up 12 seconds (health: starting)>10021/tcp                      connector21
    c8814bcadc3c   agent                 "/opt/agent"             13 seconds ago   Up 12 seconds (health: starting)>8080/tcp                        agent

The Authentication Service add-on has now been installed. To troubleshoot the Agent or Authentication Service add-on, see Troubleshoot the Agent.

Check the Authentication Service Add-on’s Status

First log into the machine where the Alation Agent is running, then run the following command:

sudo docker ps

Stop the Authentication Service Add-on

To stop the Authentication Service add-on, you must stop the entire Agent. First log into the machine where the Alation Agent is running, then run the following command:

sudo systemctl stop hydra